May 16, 2011

Envelope Pillows

Finally some sunny days here in MD!  I managed to fit in a trip to this awesome flower farm in PA where they have rows and rows of green houses!  Love it!  Took the folks, Poppy didn't make it back in time for his favorite British comedy show but he's seen them all a dozen times I'm sure.  I was able to plant them all in my little patch and still had some time left.  Earlier in the week I made a quick stop at Joann's and picked up some fabric for pillows on the front porch.  I like to keep it cute but my husband swears one morning he's going to find a hobo on the bench because it looks so comfy.  I'll take that as a compliment!  Tossed out my pillows from last year so had to make new ones.  Jo's had the pillows on sale last week, and I knew I had one in the dungeon that I was saving for the perfect occasion.  After planting, I had a few minutes before the bus came so I whipped up these super easy, super cute pillows to comfy up the porch.  My method is called the "Fold it over and hope it fits" but I think the official term is 'envelope cover'.  I used less than a yard of fab to cover both pillows, about 18" squares.  Should've taken pics of the process but found a better tutorial at A Pretty Cool Life.  Here's my finished product:

1 comment:

Lori Comeau said...

Cute, love the colors. I too like having pillows outside. I never thought to make my own, I usually just buy them. I think I might attempt to make my own this year. TFS.