Jan 13, 2011


 Over at Between Naps she does a Tablescape Thursday.  I thought I would share a recent 'scape' that I did.  This particular day I was definitely channeling June Clever and even had my apron on!  Picture it:  snow was gently coming down outside, the kids got out of school early, I had the roast in the oven and the table set by 2.   My BFF passed some advice to me from her mom - always have the table set, even when you don't know what's for dinner - they'll appreciate more thinking you'd been at it all day for them!  I knew with the snow, the roads would be a mess and hubby would have a rough ride home so I wanted to show some him some appreciation for all that he does.  I was quite proud of myself and he had his hungry on when he walked in the door.  We normally don't have wine with dinner but I had complete the scape!

Okay, so now that I look at them again I realize I must've had my channel on Rosanne instead but I had a feeling of success at the time ... I'll work on it and get back to you!


Entertaining Women said...

Rosanne....I love it! The Connors were always consistent about gathering their family around that formica dinette table. When it came down to the nitty gritty, family was the ultimate priority for Rosanne and Dan. I love the bell shaped goblets. I think that they must be wonderful for casual and dressed-up tables. Thank you for sharing your Velveteen Rabbit design...very real and full of love. Cherry Kay

Tess said...

This is REAL family dining...I'll bet your roast was wonderful, the table is charming and warm! Your tablecloth is beautiful.

Jayna Rae said...

I have had that feeling before, where you think it looks wonderful, take the photo and then feel bleh about it. Blame the camera. That's what I do.