Busy weekend here at the Turner ranch. Busy Birthday weekend. If you didn't know, now-a-days, as opposed to the 'olden days' when I was a kid, birthdays are celebrated for days on end. Friday is Ange's 11th birthday. i knew it was coming for about 364 days now but just got the brilliant idea for the theme THIS MORNING! I do this to myself all the freakin time! Why?!?!? Am I better under pressure? Wouldn't I like to go to be on time the night before? Do I not blog surf for hours researching ideas? Am I just the best procrastinator?? yes, yes, yes, YES!!! using my Samantha tone.
Ange wants to swim with the belugas when we go to Texas so thinking, thinking, thinking, oh let's do an aquatic theme. Duh!!! So off to Walmart I go 8 hours before her party to pick up aquatic items. I got sweedish fish, licorice (sea anemones), carmel popcorn for barnacles, bull's eye candy for life rings (after you eat the middle out), ruffle chips for life rafts, wasabi mix for pirate booty, regular goldfish crackers, etc. We pulled the table scape off using some shells and driftwood we collected during a recent park visit and some creatures she won at the carnival last week. She wanted to make the signs for each label and they turned out cute with her touch added to them ... I didn't have time to search in the 100 degree attic for my netting but nobody noticed it was missing. That was about it for theme. I had a bff's daughter's grad party to go to in the afternoon so I did what I could in the short hours I had to pull it out of my butt. Here's a few pix of the table scape ...
goldfish crackers and sweedish fish |
rafts, sea anemones and eels |
The barnacles and life rings. |
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