Bff's was having a grad party for her daughter so I wanted to make her a card. Although we are in the midst of the homeliest card contest (rules below) I decided to make her a real card using some real stuff. I used the owl punch from Stampin Up and some random cardstock from my stash, probably Bazzill because that's pretty much all I use. Her high school colors were red and black but nooo she wanted her party to be her college college of purple and gold. Took a few minutes and waited til the last possible minute but turned out cute ...
added this to the inside cover ...
Thanks to Terry over at Going Over the Edge for inspiration!
Here's the deal on the homeliest card contest ... between my bff and I we have tons of scrap stuff but not tons of time to play. Well, for her daughter's birthday card (the one I made the rooster card for) she ran out of time and drew a stick figure on a piece of white cardstock. I retaliated by sending a torn piece of notebook paper with something scribbled on ... and so it begins ... here are the rules:
1. run out of time to make a proper card
2. stare at all of your stash but use none of it
3. double score for being late
4. mis-spell the recipients name
5. don't put enough postage on it so they'll really have to pay for it!
It's just something silly we do to amuse ourselves. We don't have enough play dates to get together so we have to make up little games!
Partying with:
Very cute card.
Ha ha loved reading your rules!
Dropped in seeing your card on Make it Monday
Cheers from Bangalore ,India
Dr Sonia S V
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