Oct 10, 2011

The Mystery of an Organized Life

oh my where has time gone?!?!?  I lost my mojo when I lost my camera.  'Why do that, I can't share it with anyone', the little voice was telling  me.  'Don't bother, no one will see it' another little devil said.  'Take this time to get your act together' a manly voice said to me.  Okay, so I took the advice, got myself together (atleast 85% of the way there) and got a new camera!!!  Yeah!!  Little Sony, you complete me!  More on that later ...
As I was preparing for back to school and trying to collect myself, I discovered a little blog that might just help me do that ... The Project Girl.  She has a wonderful, printable chart for getting yourself organized and trying to stay on top of things!  Since it's so late in the year it was half price.  I'm not totally untechy but to make something look this good, I'm will to pay for it.  Since there's only a few WEEKS left of the year I only had to print out about a dozen sheets, as opposed to the entire year's worth.  As far as I'm comfortable exploring, the top part is open to add your to-dos and calendar schedules.  I played with the daily chores and you can adjust them to your needs as well.  I haven't had a chance to play with the weekly chores (I love most of them all) and the shopping list - I just write in my notes or other to-do's.
I told you it was pretty ... check it out for yourself.  She did make some changes from the 2010 version so who knows, there may be some changes for the upcoming year as well. 

I'm feeling better about my organized, especially with the holidays coming! I've also found a great online recipe box, I'll share that tomorrow ... right now I have to scratch 'finally update blog' off my list!!

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