Mar 2, 2011

My First Award!

It's so nice to be loved!  Thank you so much Debbi at Diamond Grove Blog for the honor!

The rules are when you receive this award you are supposed to:
1) Thank the person you received it from (did that!)
2) Share 8 things about yourself (oiy, that takes thought)
3) Pay it forward to 8 blogs you have recently discovered
4) notify them of the Award!
1.  I wish I would blog more often :(
2.  I love using the little punctuation to make faces :o
3.  I have no regrets but I wish I could have a do over every once in a while ;)
4.  Well, I taught my kids to be independent, that's not so much a regret as a 'what was I thinking' ... I miss them.. two have flown and one is in training
5.  This year will mark my tenth year being cancer free, party anyone?!?!?
6.  I "sell" Longaberger (not really but still technically a consultant) and I use the baskets for most of my scrapbook storage, if not the basket then the protector
7.  I'm finally becoming a decent cook - only the first few Thanksgiving birds had the 'package' cooked inside and I only had to add flour to mashed potatoes one time to know that wasn't right
8.  I just love, love, love sharing my passion for all things crafty!

The eight bloggers I think are Stylish are ....

2. Be Different Act Normal
3. Blue Cricket Design
4. Mini Moments by Joy Overby
5. For the Love of Paper
6. Cricut Chick
7.  Sweet Stop Sketches
8.  Kimberlys Krafts

Have fun checking these out!  Thanks again, Debbi!  


Sue in CT said...

Congratulations on your award!

Jen@eighteen25 said...

aww... how sweet of you! you made our day.
thanks so much!
and congrats to you!!
jen :)