Feb 17, 2011

V-Day ReDo

After recovering from the stomach bug, and living with the guilt of valentines disappointment, I think I have finally redeemed myself.  You know, when you have a plan in your head and it seems so clear you start to get excited about it?  That's how I was with Valentine's Day.  Did my shopping early.  Brought some red accessories out to freshen up the decor.  Even had a menu planned.  Then WHAM!  POW!  KAZAM!  Thanks, Ange, for that thoughtful gift of the bug.  Monday was spent in bed.  I gotta be honest, I started devising a plan on how I could make that my new passion.  Even found my SITC girls on from 2-4!  Alas, that dream was short lived and I started feeling better.  Finally.  That's a 'good thing'.  So I dressed the dining table with a red cloth, doubled up on the forks and had a redo.  I had the tab for this dessert on my computer for the past two weeks and got the pleasure of making it!!!  Par for the course I didn't actually 'make' the recipe but just 'interpreted' it and totally stole the jimmy rimming idea.  Turned out great.  Hub loved the dinner and the sentiment so I guess I'm out of the dog house!
the original dessert ...  Taste of Home

My version ... Just regular instant pudding and Cool Whip ... the 10 minute version but still left a memorable impression and they didn't know the difference!

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