Feb 19, 2011


I've recently been having conversations with Ange about finding her passion.  Okay, she's 10 so she's still working on it ... maybe I'm just having having conversations with myself in her direction.  After hosting two crops, two days in a row ... okay, there's my passion!  I don't know that if I weren't organizing these events I would force myself to go.  I just so enjoy hanging out with others that share the same excitement and enjoyment that a little piece of paper can bring!  Conversations are nonstop and not always centered around glue and scissors.  I have met so many wonderful people thru this adventure and I am so grateful!  At first thought, my 'passion' might be paper but that that is just the vessel that brings the people together.  I am organizing a weekend retreat in March and that can't come soon enough!  I am looking forward to more people, passion and of course playing with my paper!

1 comment:

Kathy Nichols Saveleski said...

Karen, I wanted you to know I love reading your blog!!!