My older daughter is the Girl Scout Troop leader of my younger daughter's troop so I usually wear the co-leader hat as well as the mom hat. For the holiday party this year I made these little gingerbread guys to hold their badges. I think it's fun to do something different to present their badges to them. I had seen this done eons ago as a December b-day party favor and was storing it in my creative cabinet for just the right event. I used the gingerbread guy from Everyday Paper Dolls and altered it a bit. I cut them out of heavy manila construction paper (the original was out of brown grocery store bags). I did a quicky pattern and put their names on the front, zig zagged around the edges. I could've done a little better, stamped their names, better faces but when you wait until the last minute ... I did instruct all the girls to wait until they got home to rip into it! Hope you like!

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