Aug 11, 2011

Cushion Complete

You might remember a while back I posted about getting a coffee table at Goodwill and my plan was to make it into a bench.  Well, mission complete!  Yeah!  Finally!  I've envisioned it for weeks.  I sanded it, painted it and made this cushion.  I haven't recovered my camera so you have to deal with rotten pictures taken from the camera on my laptop.  I'll try to spell it out for you ... 

Here's the bench before ...

I painted it with the leftover hall and living room paint ... 

and covered the cushion with an awesome fabric I picked up at Joanns.  I had a enough to make a pillow, I can make another pillow too!  As  you can see, everyone enjoys it!!

Aug 6, 2011

Crop A Go - Go

Well since I can't post any of my pix I might as well share some that I found while surfing.  I somehow came across this idea and a light bulb just went off above my head!  While we were bulk trash diving a few weeks ago, Angela found an old case with alligator like trim on it.  She was going to use it for her American Girl Dolls but she NEVER plays with them any more.  I may have to claim it and do this ...

Wouldn't that be awesome to take to a crop???  I may have to hit Goodwill to see if I can find an old suitcase and make one for my fundraiser crop!!  Check out the how-to's here:

Have a great weekend!  

Aug 3, 2011

Missing my Cannon

 Much to my heartbreak my faithful, yet bulky, camera has not surfaced.  My heart skipped a beat when I noticed an ad in the lost and found column of the newspaper.  All I saw was 'camera in bag' then when I picked myself up off the floor it said 'lost, purple bag, left on the top of car ...'  So I'm not the only one!  We should start a support group.  
I have several projects started, and even a few finished that I need to somehow get to you.  Here's my first attempt using the camera on my laptop.  The glare is from the light in the background and you can even kinda see me holding the card.  Have to come up with a better system!  
My daughter's going to a bday party this weekend and they are so into 'this' (in a granny voice) Invader Zim.  Who comes up with a character name like Gir???  And Zim??  The creators were probably sitting around their mahogany conference table drinking their redbull trying to see how many one syllable non words they could come up with.  Okay so I sit and stare at paper all.  And I let her watch the silly show.  

This is a really poor picture but I had to get you guys something!  I use a Bazzill cardstock for the background.  I loved the shiny dots.  This character just looks like he says 'oooh shiny' all the time.  I cut it out using SCAL and an svg from The Lady Wolf blog.  She has a lot of free school svg's up now.
The littering is actually done with a pattern paper.  It's hard to tell using my sophisticated camera techniques.  I did use shiny little Kaisercraft gems for the eyes if you couldn't tell.   The finger in the corner is all me.  I'm working on figuring out a good way to get the goods to you!!!