Feb 28, 2011
Secret Pal Card
Yeah! Love being creative! Did this one for my mom's secret pal stash ... I used a shamrock from Paper Doll Dress UP. I used the sentiment from a Unity collection. I love the rainbow paper. I remember when I got it (a few years back) ... I saw it used in a magazine and had to have it ... I searched and searched until I found it in a stack of a ton of others, think it was even 8 1/2 x 8 1/2 ... remember when they made those? Needless to say, I think this is the first project using that paper! Probably the whole pack ... heavy sigh. I adore my paper but it is liberating using it! Tell me what you like to hoard and I'll send you another passion of mine ... ribbon!

Feb 22, 2011
Unity Challenge
The good folks over at Unity Stamp Co have a fun challenge going on this month ... create anything with a heart! I am trying to stay up to date - I've lowered my expectations of myself by not trying to 'get ahead'. I made a card for my friends that have moved ... actually they are moving this week so I guess I am ahead. They lived across the street from me, then five years ago they moved to Nevada to be closer to family and now they are moving to San Antonio for fun. I had the idea to use this map paper that I found in my stash and when I dug it out, it was the midwest area, California, Nevada, etc. Worked perfectly! I used a couple of different monthly kits for the stamps. I love how the chimney has a heart, that makes it work for this challenge! Thanks for the challenge and keeping me on track!!!
Feb 21, 2011
Picture Mystery & Give away
Lazy President's Day around these parts! Catching up on laundry and projects! Sounds boring but feels good. Doing a little surfing and googled 'scrapbook scrap paper storage' and this pix came up ... seriously!!
So, I'm thinking this is a reprogramming device created by a scrapper that sends messages to his brain like ... "your wife doesn't have enough paper" .... and "Cricut good, sports - bad" .... "you don't need a mancave, that's valuable scrap space" .... what do you guys think? What would you program it to say?
Oh, and more importantly, how do you store your scraps? If you send me some ideas, you'll be entered into a drawing for a give-away .... It's the complete winter collection by My Mind's Eye!
Feb 20, 2011
Sunday 'Site Review
I am constantly in a flux of rearranging my 'room'. Somewhere in the cracks of my mind, the thought process is that if I am neater, I will work more. If I know where things are, I will be more productive. It starts to make sense so I reorganize. I like to do a little research first, mainly just surfing. Who'd a thunk, I came across this blog! Had to share ... great ideas!!! I am reorganized in my mind already!! Enjoy!!!
Feb 19, 2011
I've recently been having conversations with Ange about finding her passion. Okay, she's 10 so she's still working on it ... maybe I'm just having having conversations with myself in her direction. After hosting two crops, two days in a row ... okay, there's my passion! I don't know that if I weren't organizing these events I would force myself to go. I just so enjoy hanging out with others that share the same excitement and enjoyment that a little piece of paper can bring! Conversations are nonstop and not always centered around glue and scissors. I have met so many wonderful people thru this adventure and I am so grateful! At first thought, my 'passion' might be paper but that that is just the vessel that brings the people together. I am organizing a weekend retreat in March and that can't come soon enough! I am looking forward to more people, passion and of course playing with my paper!
Feb 17, 2011
V-Day ReDo
After recovering from the stomach bug, and living with the guilt of valentines disappointment, I think I have finally redeemed myself. You know, when you have a plan in your head and it seems so clear you start to get excited about it? That's how I was with Valentine's Day. Did my shopping early. Brought some red accessories out to freshen up the decor. Even had a menu planned. Then WHAM! POW! KAZAM! Thanks, Ange, for that thoughtful gift of the bug. Monday was spent in bed. I gotta be honest, I started devising a plan on how I could make that my new passion. Even found my SITC girls on from 2-4! Alas, that dream was short lived and I started feeling better. Finally. That's a 'good thing'. So I dressed the dining table with a red cloth, doubled up on the forks and had a redo. I had the tab for this dessert on my computer for the past two weeks and got the pleasure of making it!!! Par for the course I didn't actually 'make' the recipe but just 'interpreted' it and totally stole the jimmy rimming idea. Turned out great. Hub loved the dinner and the sentiment so I guess I'm out of the dog house!
the original dessert ... Taste of Home
the original dessert ... Taste of Home
My version ... Just regular instant pudding and Cool Whip ... the 10 minute version but still left a memorable impression and they didn't know the difference!
Feb 15, 2011
Blog Hop Winner!
Yeah! Finally feeling myself again, about 99% anyway ... Sorry it took so long to pick a winner ... wanted to make sure I was in the right frame of mind, and wanted to read all the WONDERFUL comments! Thank you all so much for making my first blog hop so great! I will definitely keep hopping! I love the crafty community! Such a pick me up, especially after being sick :( Okay, drum roll ... the winner is Dusti ... her comment was ...
Pics are awesome. Love your layout. Thanks for the opportunity to win. I do follow you.
Have a great day!
DUSTI - send me your address so I can get your candy in the mail!!! Congrats!!!
Anybody looking to do any hopping in the future, count me in! I enjoyed visiting all the other states and hope you did too! If you were a winner, let me know!!!
Pics are awesome. Love your layout. Thanks for the opportunity to win. I do follow you.
Have a great day!
DUSTI - send me your address so I can get your candy in the mail!!! Congrats!!!
Anybody looking to do any hopping in the future, count me in! I enjoyed visiting all the other states and hope you did too! If you were a winner, let me know!!!
Feb 14, 2011
Something else is in the air ...
What a bummer to be sick of Love Day! I had it all planned out in my head ... I wanted to pick up hubby's gift last week but baby girl got sick ... I had a Lover's Lunch for friends and family on Sunday and that was about all I could do. Was not a good night and stayed in bed almost all day Monday. So much for the nice meal and sweet treat I was going to fix. Dang it! I hate that when that happens. It's hard to do a do-over for V-Day. Just wanted to do a quick post for Meta-Monday to show a little decor I did for the lunch. Used my Cricut to cut the letters with the Storybook Cartridge. Just used red vinyl and some dollar store frames. My brother made the iron piece for me about 8 years ago. It's original purpose was to hang a curtain, which it did for about 6 years, over my French doors. I took it down about two years ago when we replaced the doors and haven't found a spot until now ... it is just hanging up with my fav 3M zip strips. Hub thinks it could stay up all year! It replaced the tree that I did at Christmas which you can see here ... Tree Masterpiece ...
Check back to see some there before and afters ....
Feb 13, 2011
Sunday 'Site Review
Who doesn't love to get their fingers messy with a good coat of paint? Even though one of my resolutions this year was to not have paint under my nails, I couldn't resist the offer of a FREE sample! Check out the Valspar website and sign up to get your freebie! I did it about two weeks ago and just got my goody box! I totally forgot about it and when the Fed Ex man parked in front of my house, my little heart went pitter patter for my paint! It was just like a little box of joy! You will receive a $5 coupon towards a big can, complimentary chips to go with the color you chose and an adorable little paint kit! Check it out and let me know what color you chose! I picked Old Gold! I have no idea what I'm going to paint with it but when the moment strikes, I'll be ready!
Feb 11, 2011
Getting Cricky Blog Hop
A Big Cricut Hello & Chirp to each of you! Welcome to the Cricky Across the 50 Blog Hop hosted by KAndrew's Getting Cricky!!. If you are here from Karen in Maine, then you are in the right spot. If you just arrived here and would like to start from the beginning please go to KAndrew's Getting Cricky! . For this blog hop K Andrew is celebrating her big move across the country with a big road trip, and of course this hop across the 50 states! She has asked us all to post a little bit about the state we are representing, and then to post our Favorite Craft Project. I am representing the state of Maryland.
Maryland has it all! It an odd shaped little state but there's something here for everyone! Western Maryland has gorgeous mountains - great for hiking in the summer and skiing in the winter. There are some some great lakes for swimming, the bay has awesome fishing and crabbing and we border the Atlantic with lovely beaches to vacation! I live almost dead center of the state so in a short time I can be sunning at the shore, catching a sports game in Baltimore or shopping in some major outlets! It's fun to spend the day in Washington, DC or Philadelphia which are both just few hours away. Although we are in the north east corridor and tend to get our fair share of snow, the change of seasons is definitely my favorite part!
I recently finished this page of my daughter. She received enough Walmart gift cards to purchase an Ipod for her birthday. Since my husband had one, he welcomed her to the club. I'm still not a member! I have my own toys though! I saved the apple stickers and the faux display from the packaging. I added the receipt to show how many cards she had to use!
Thanks for visiting with me! Follow me here or on facebook to be entered into a drawing for a Simple Stories Life Documented complete collection with elements, stickers, journals spots and cardstock! I love this system and use it for my annual books! Leave me a comment and let me know! The winner will be selected on Monday!
Please make sure to leave comments on all of the blogs for a chance to win a ton of different Grand Prizes on Getting Cricky's blog, from these great companies:Scrap N Tote, Scrap N Easel, Cri-Kits, Creative Charms, Memory Miser, Scrappy Chic Cafe, Loralie Designs, My Pink Stamper, Peachy Keen Stamps, Cricut Town, The Scrappin' Table, Piktails, and Pink by Design
Please make sure to visit ALL the blogs, as EVERY single blog will have fabulous giveaways (cricut cartridges, paper packs, copic markers, yourstory bundle, clear stamp sets, and tons more). Each blogger was extremely generous with their own personal giveaways
Next stop on the hop is Scrapality in Mass!
Have a great time on your Trip!!! Happy Trails!!!
Here's a list of all 50 hoppers!
BEGIN: Getting Cricky With K Andrew www.kandrewdesigns.blogspot.com
Tanya of Scrappy Scavenger www.ScrappyScavenger.blogspot.com
Renee Kowalchik of KoolChik Crafts http://koolchikcrafts.blogspot.com/
Teela Young of Coffee24Tea http://coffee24tea.blogspot.com
Jess Marin of My Scrap Diary http://www.myscrapdiary-jess.blogspot.com
Nicolette Simpson of Beyond Scrapin www.beyondscrapin.blogspot.com
Jennifer Anderson of Scrappin Lil Turtle http://creativearmywife.blogspot.com/
Amy Courchaine of Scrapbooking, Card Making, and Living with Fibro http://lv2scrapandfibrofacts.blogspot.com/
Meagan Jarjabka of Beyond Paper Designs beyondpaperdesigns.blogspot.com
Peggy Brustman of CeltikGirlCreations http://celtikgirlcreations.blogspot.com/
Stephanie Hedderick of Always Crafting http://www.alwayscrafting.com
Brenda Haskin of Simply Bren is Having too much fun http://simplybrenhavingfun.blogspot.com/
Lori Brown of Saving My… http://savingmine.blogspot.com
Angela Urell of Creative Crafting http://creativecraftin.blogspot.com
Darlene Saucier of Simple Southern Blessings www.talesoftayandbay.blogspot.com
Karen Madden of Lilac and Lupines http://lilacsandlupines.blogspot.com
Karen Turner of Midlife Mysteries & Masterpieces http://www.midlifemysteries.com/
Andrea Fogleman of Scraplity www.scrapality.com
Krystal Gibson of Krystal’s Kreativity http://www.krystalskreativity.blogspot.com
Jenny Johnson of Paper Crafting Crazy Me www.papercraftingcrazyme.blogspot.com
Kathy Northup of I Love My Crazy Life ilovemycrazylife.blogspot.com
Kathy Floen of The Beautiful Life http://kathy-thebeautifullife.blogspot.com
Gloria Sleeper of Oma’s Crafts www.omascrafts.blogspot.com
Kristal of Getting Cricky www.kandrewdesigns.blogspot.com
Brynn Thornburgh of Flair and Frills www.flairandfrillscreativity.blogspot.com
Erin Span of I am SpantastiKreations http://www.spantastikreations.blogspot.com/
Amy Westray of redwolfSCRAPS www.redwolfscraps.com
Patricia Logan of MDN Creates www.triciatreasure.blogspot.com
Joe, Carol, Joe, and Betty of CreateNCraft at www.createNcraft.com
Rebecca Maddux of Crafting with Becka www.creationswithbecka.blogspot.com
Midori Vasquez of Scraps for Me http://www.scrapsforme.blogspot.com/
Karel Jennings of One by One the Flamingos are Stealing my Sanity http://karelj.blogspot.com
Brenda Burffrau of Creativity is a State of Mind http://createbyburffrau.blogspot.com
Shannon Lefew of My Scrappy Creations http://shannonleffew.blogspot.com
Kista Orr of Scrapaleupagus at scrapaleupagus.blogspot.com
Kathy of Creative Cutter at www.creativecutter.orgVIRGINIA
Chris Hanselmaan of Chris' Crafty Creations from the Corner http://scrappinchris.blogspot.com/
Mariam Satchell of Purple Lily Studio mariamsatchell.blogspot.com
Janice Wilson of Stamping with Janice www.stampingwithjanice.blogspot.com
Jamie Larsen of Baby Jayden’s Mommy http://babyjaydensmommy.blogspot.com/
Lindsay Loo of Lindsay Loo Designs http://www.lindsayloodesignz.blogspot.com/
END: Getting Cricky with K Andrew www.kandrewdesigns.blogspot.com
Feb 2, 2011
Recipe for Me
I'd consider this both a mystery AND a masterpiece ... me. Again with the challenges ... over at Scrapbook News & Review, the request was to do an 'all about me' page ... who likes talking about themselves let alone creating a scrapbook page for all the world to see! I am not photogenic at all and the times I am in front of the camera instead of behind is usually when someone in my family wants to catch me sleeping or making an odd face like I just inhaled a grapefruit or something. I instantly came up with the layout and theme (to take the focus off of me) then four hours later came up with the pictures. Somehow 'Recipe for Me' popped into my head and the idea went from there ... I don't love how it turned out, looked better in my head but it's done and I feel good about that! I love red so I chose that for the background. Instead using regular measurements, I used terms like year, ton, countless ... in reality I am not one to follow a recipe and my life is kinda like that too. Some days I wish had the recipe for life but other days when a dash of this and pinch of that get thrown in, it's just as sweet! Now you know the 'recipe for me' ... what's yours?
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