Jul 23, 2011

Texas is the Bestest

Just got back from spending the week in Texas.  Best week ever.  Hubby was visiting for work so we tagged along.  We have friends that just moved there so they generously volunteered to be out chauffeurs for the week.  They are such an awesome couple, treated us like royalty!  I cannot wait to scrap these pix!  All 562 of them!  Here's the rundown for the week:

Monday:  We walked to the Alamo from our hotel, must've walked for miles that day!  It was hot but not totally unbearable ... only 101!  Walked to the Tower of Americas and walked the Riverwalk.  It was a long day after getting up at 4 a.m.
Tuesday:  Our friends took Ange and I to the Natural Bridge Caverns which was amazing.  Ange loves her rocks and she got her fill there!  We then went to a drive thru animal preserve.  It actually rained while we were there, they are in a severe drought so naturally Ange thought she brought the rain with her for them.  A little more Riverwalk and dinner with some great friends.
Wednesday:  Seaworld.  If you remember, we granted Ange's wish to swim with the whales for her birthday so she was beside herself all day!  Another long day, eating dinner at 9:30!!!  But hey, it's vacation.  We had a wonderful time and Ange is going to be a marine biologist and work at Seaworld.  Go or it sister!
Thursday:  Tourist attractions, missions, Mexican Market and a little swimming to cool off while the boys played golf.  Really!  In 100+ degrees.  There was a breeze so they claim it wasn't hot.  We gave Zinc her treat bag and she loved it!
Friday:  Travel home.  The flight was great, a little long but we managed.  We left Texas where it was a nice 93 degrees and landed in 104 Baltimore!  It was cooler in Texas the whole week!  It was an awesome trip and can't thank hubby enough for letting us go especially when this was supposed to be the summer without a vacation due to our remodel.  It was awesome!

1 comment:

Grammy Goodwill said...

Oh, it looks like you had such a wonderful trip.