Nov 27, 2010

Black Friday Blitz

What's the record for Black Friday shopping?  I know we set a record!  Left the house at 4 am and didn't return until 8 pm!!!  Not too shabby!  Here was our route...

McDonalds (to refuel)
Walmart - at this point it had been open a long time and it was trashed!  Just wanted the $20 cartridges and they were out!
Hobby Lobby (because they opened sssooo early!  an extra hour! So worth the wait tho)
Bed Bath & Beyond
Ruby Tuesdays (they had just started serving lunch!  Most people were just finishing breakfast!)
Dropped off my daughter who couldn't hang with the old folks (she just had to go to work)
Went to another mall where there was a Crate & Barrel, Pottery Barn, Kokopelli, William Sonoma, among a few other smaller stores ...

Not bad!  It was actually pretty productive!  It truely was ...

1 comment:

mommac said...

Have you put the goodies away yet? Not me. It wasn't just productive but freakin fun! Thanks for the memory making. Next year ... cameras. We so could've done a page with Kel sleeping in the car and Megan sleeping in the chair at Crate and Barrel. Sissy shoppers.